Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend at Women of Faith

Four of us road in the car to Tampa and back.  Four of us have quotes.  Yes all FOUR.  I'm in here too.  So here is a short back story.  Joy, Melissa, Andrea and I all went to Tampa for Women of Faith.  Great weekend.  I've been getting to know Andrea over the last month or so.  I was really just getting to know Melissa and Joy this weekend.  In other words, these are new relationships.  What better way to get to know these women than to spend an hour and half in the car and then spend the night in a shady motel together.  For more on that, you'll have to wait for me to post the story on my other blog.

Melissa had a notebook that had, "Find the Sasquatch" printed on it.  The goal was to find a Sasquatch in a forest of trees.  No problem, unless you confuse Sasquatch with Sacajawea.
Melissa - "Find the Sasquatch"
Andrea - "What?  Like an indian?"

In the car on the way home we were discussing the speakers who were missing.  We figured out that they must be at another women's event that is occurring in California and put on by Women of Faith.  The name is "Over the Top"
Melissa:  "The must be at the other conference."
Joy:  "What was that on called?"
Melissa:  "On the Top."
Not exactly the best name for a Christian women's conference.  Funny though.

Same car ride.  We were having to make a quick exit to turn around.  So we swerved over in to the right lane.
Me - (Laughing hysterically)
Andrea - "Yes you want to exit."
Joy - "Oh I thought that meant you couldn't get back on."

Later we were talking about the multiple fiascos we had this weekend.  I am a magnet for fiascos so I had wanted to say it was my fault.
Melissa:  "Yeah it was crazy because I was there."
Me:  "I was about to say the same thing."
Everyone:  (Laughing)
Me:  "NO!! I meant I was going to say that it always happens to me!"

And that's how people break the ice.  I had a great time.


  1. What a great weekend!!! A weekend away, always get to see how "real" we are. =)
