Sunday, October 23, 2011

Slow Weekend??

No not really.  I know you're wondering where your quotes are though.  Only have two.

We were eating at Fridays and AJ had to leave for work.
AJ: "Mom can you tell the server to put my dessert in a togo box?"
Me:  "Sure!  Ma'am?  Can you put his dessert in a togo box?"
AJ:  "WOW mom!  I could've done that!  I meant when they brought the desserts out.  Then you could just take it home for me."
Me:  "Oh!"
Still have no idea what I was thinking.  He's 20 for pete's sake and has not been shy about asking his own questions since he was ... well born pretty much!

We have to keep our front door locked by the dead bolt because it has never closed properly.  You can just push it and it opens.  Tonight during our family meeting we were discussing things that need to be fixed.
AJ:  "Yeah the other day I actually had to turn the knob to get in the front door."
So now, when things are working properly, we bring it up for the list of things that need to be fixed?  Is it that much of a shocker that something works right?

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