Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday's Quotes

Anytime all five of us ride in the same car, there is sure to be quotes and last night was no exception.   But first, we have a quote from dinner with the Bores kids.

Me:  Katie, do you take Singulair (allergy medication).
Christian:  (From the other end of the table)  No we have AT&T.

This is the gist of the car conversation.  Our power was out so we were talking about electricity.

AJ:  I hope the power's back on because I have studying to do.
Me:  You know they didn't have electricity in the 19th century and kids went to school then.
Autumn:  Mom, they went to school during the DAY.
(Good point.)
AJ:  Well not if they lived on one of those continents where it is dark all the time.  Which continent does that?
Autumn:  Alaska.
AJ:  Autumn, Alaska is a STATE.  I said CONTINENT.
Alex:  The north pole and south pole.
AJ:  Alex I said continent.  CON-TIN-ENT.
Me:  Ok well Antarctica and the extreme northern parts of North America and Europe.
AJ:  Mom, isn't that Canada?
Me:  Canada's not a CON-TIN-ENT.

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