Thursday, October 27, 2011

These people make me happy

Autumn wrote this on the board while I was on the telephone.
"The next time I dust my fan, remind me to take a shower after and not before.  AND to turn the light off first."

Later my kids were in a fight so the ride to church was a little quiet.  So I told Jeff, well this is different.  He said, "I don't know if they are tired of it the car destroyed their mouths."
Me:  "WHAT?"
Jeff:  "Well I was going to say the cat got their tongue but that was more interesting."
So I still got a quote out of the car ride to church.

Tricia came by tonight and Nolan was in the back seat.
Nolan:  "MS. FRAN!!! I'm nocturnal!!!"
Me:  "You are?"
Nolan: "Because, because, um because I can see in the dark!"

Another 3 year old quote.  Or quote from a 3 year old rather.
Brayden:  "Ms. Fran is Autumn going to be in charge again?"
Me:  "Yes she is."
Brayden: "Ha ha Alex your mom said Autumn is in charge!"

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