Sunday, October 16, 2011

Can't keep up today

Man it's like I was gone for a few days or something.  They keep giving me better quotes to share.

Autumn was asking whether it was closer to take her to her friend's house or to their beach destination.  So a heated discussion ensued because the friend lives in town.  The boys couldn't believe Autumn had to ask that question.
Alex:  "It's like asking if the sun or the moon is closer to the earth."
Dead Silence....
AJ:  "I don't even know the answer to that one."
Autumn:  "Facepalm."

I told Autumn that for her 16th birthday I wanted to take her to the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique and dress her up like a princess.
Autumn:  "I do NOT want to go to the Bibbity Bobbity Booby!"

Ah it's good to be home.

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