Thursday, October 6, 2011


We have a day of just Autumn quotes.  So here are your Autumnisms.

"Mom, we gotta come up with a compromise!  Either I like chemistry, or I don't!"
I think she was trying to give me an ultimatum.  I think we'll be doing more vocabulary this year.

I heard something hit the wall in her room so I went to check on her.
Me:  Are you ok?
Autumn: Yep
Me:  What happened?
Autumn: I threw a pencil at the ceiling fan.
Me:  Why?
Autumn:  Because it's fun and chemistry is stupid.
Me:  OH! So you lost your temper.
Autumn:  Nope!  It's just fun.

Later she was trying tell me about the inside of a firetruck.
Autumn:  You know what the inside of the truck looks like so you've seen the laptop.
Me:  Yes but there were no laptops when I was doing my EMT training.
Autumn:  (shocked)  WHAT?  There wasn't?  So how did they find the houses?
Me:  Um - a map!

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