Sunday, October 2, 2011


To start this off, I give you some of my all time favorite quotes!  Enjoy.

Autumn: "your room is nice and dark. The sun shines through my window 24-7."

Autumn: Going door to door handing out holiday greetings... "Do we still have to say Merry Christmas if they don't answer the door?"
Alex: "Has anyone seen my toothbrush?" 
All: "NO." 
Alex:  Five minutes later: "OK Who threw my toothbrush in the trash?" 
All: "I didn't."
Alex: "Well someone did...." 
AJ: "I threw my toothbrush in the trash cause I got a new one."
 Alex: "Wait, have you been using MY toothbrush?" 
AJ: "Is it Blue and white?" 
Alex: "YES"
AJ: "Then YES." 
All: "EEEWWWWW!!!!"
Autumn:  "Pharisee's were STALKERS!!" 
Jeff .... (on the phone from the store) "Hi honey can you help me.... um the weirdest thing just happened. I was driving down the road with the windows down and.... your grocery list flew out of the window. What was on it again?"
Alex: "Mom remember when I saw that animal in the backyard.... what was it a hippopotamus or something?" (FYI it was a opossum)
Deep thoughts from a lovable 11 year old: (about a bug on the wall) "if it falls it dies and if it dies it falls."
Autumn during Math: "I thought you used that rule if you WANTED to...."
Fran to dog - "Come here dummy."
Autumn - "Did you call me?"
Amanda -Break Autumn's arm so we can get a wheelchair. Then we can get in the fastpass lane at space mountain. (What a plan. Cause having a broken arm definitely impairs your walking ability)
AJ, Amanda and Autumn went to ride the Astro Orbiter (the rockets that are up on top of the building in tomorrow land). To get up there you have to take an elevator. SO they are waiting to get on the ride after they got off the elevator on top of the building. That's the set up.
AJ to Amanda - "When I was little, I always wondered how you got up here."
Autumn - "Wait, how DID we get up here?"
Autumn: "I did not walk into a tree... I tripped over my foot."
Autumn: "AJ are you a democrat or a republican. AJ: I'm neither. Autumn: So you're a Repicrack."
Autumn: "Hey Alex what are the 8 parts of speech." 
Alex HEARD: "Hey Alex what is A plus Speech." 
Alex Answered: "Uh.. A plus speech is A SPEECH?"
Autumn- "In my dream, the world was falling apart. Everything was SOGGY!!"
AJ:  "Mom I'm glad you had Autumn... she's cheaper than cable."
While filling out Autumn's application to be an Explorer for Apopka Fire Department, she saw the part in the application where it said Emergency Contact.  She said, "Can I just put them (meaning the fire department)?"
Fran:  "Oh look, the mobile shot clinic is at walgreens. We should take phoenix (the cat) in for the rest of his shots."
Jeff:  "Will the shot calm him down?"
Fran: " No."
Jeff: "Neuter Him?"
Fran: "No."
Jeff:  "Put him to sleep?"
Fran:  "No."
Jeff:  "Then what is the shot for?"
Fran:  "It's his immunizations!"
Jeff: "And do I have to PAY for this WORTHLESS shot?"
Autumn: "No wonder why people say evolution is real. That thing looks like a human bear leopard dog thing."
So we are discussing the origins of Winnie the Pooh and I was telling Autumn that they were the stuffed animals of the author's son.
Autumn: "So what animals are they?"
Fran: "Eeyore's a donkey. Kanga is a kangaroo."
Autumn: "Yeah but..."
Fran: "Rabbit is a rabbit"
Autumn: "Yeah but" (getting annoyed)
Fran: "Owl's an owl"
Autumn: "Yeah but what is piglet? (hesitates a minute) GOT IT!"
I told AJ to "eyeball" the amount of cream cheese he puts in the chicken packets. I went and checked on him. Yeah. He thought I meant put the amount of cream cheese to equal the size of an eyeball. Love having the kids cook dinner.
So... Autumn is not so proficient at Geography. We were looking at the map in our school room and I said, "Don't get confused Autumn but there are two Alaska's on the map (one on each side)." She stares at it for a minute and then says, "OH! The world is round."
Talking about a part time job for Jeff-
AJ - "You could ref soccer."
Alex - "Or you could be an emperor for baseball."
AJ - "Either I am working on Sunday or I'm off." (Well thanks for letting me know.)

Autumn: "Mom, do you know where the Grimm Brother's were born?"
Alex: "Aren't they the ones who built the airplane?"
Autumn: "No. That was the White (sic) Brothers."
Last night...
Jeff (when we couldn't hear our TV over the one in the living room): "Man the kids have that TV up WAY too loud."
Fran: "AUTUMN!!"
Autumn: "Yes?"
Fran: "Can you please turn the TV down?"
Autumn (sarcastically): "REALLY?" (turns down OUR TV)
I guess she thought we were too lazy to lift the remote up and turn down our own TV.
Jeff came out and found Autumn on his computer. Come to find out he was mad because Autumn signed him out of Facebook and he has a hard time remembering his user name and password. 
Fran: "At least she didn't hack your account!" 
Autumn: "That's ALMOST true!"
Autumn: "Hey let's go to McDonald's or 3 Pigs BBQ" (It's actually called Bubbalou's BBQ.)
Jeff: "Autumn, did the 3 pigs get eaten in the story?"
Autumn: "No dad. They ran into the wolf's house. DUH!"
Autumn was drawing a picture of alex in the air and we were trying to guess what she meant.
Alex: "Is it a devil?"
Autumn: "Laughing, "Not necessarily."
Me: "You gave him horns!"
Autumn: "So! Horns doesn't mean he's the devil. He could be a PIG."
Autumn:  ‎"That stuff was GOOD. I took a bite of Paige.... correction I took a bite of PAIGE'S. Cause that would just be awkward."
Paige said to Alex: "Boy if you don't knock it off I'm gonna climb up there and smack you in the face."
Autumn: "Isn't that like Child Abuse or something?"
Alex: "It is. I should call IRS!!"
Jeff: "AJ what movie are you going to see?"
AJ: "Tron"
Autumn: "It's like John, but without the "T"
OH WOW!!!!
Autumn:  "I hystericate myself" 
Autumn:  "I give up on Reading.... it's TOO HARD!" (She was reading the dialogue on a game.)
Fran: "Did AJ leave yet?"
Autumn:  "I don't know.  All I know is he's still here."

Autumn:  "Do you ever look at your leg and think, 'Gosh, it's so long, I wonder if it's even mine?'"

Autumn: "Hey Mom, Dad said he's still at Walmart. . . He's buying stuff."
AJ:  "Well I'd hope so.  He doesn't usually go there to hang out."
Alex: "You can't be sick Autumn. You're short."
Autumn: "WHAT? Do you want me to get you a shovel?" (MEaning he's digging himself a hole)
Alex: "You may need one to reach me."
Autumn and Alex were fighting and annoying me.
Autumn "Can you please smack him?"
Fran: "I'm gonna smack both of you!"
Autumn: "Can you please smack him first?"
Autumn:  "I am definitely tempted to step on this hamster (hamper)."
While watching Eclipse:
Autumn:  "I wish my best friend was a werewolf."
Fran: "Can you imagine petting the top of her head like that?"
Autumn: "It would be awkward if she started purring."
AJ and Fran: "Dogs don't purr Autumn."

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