Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This is some funny stuff...

Ok tonight was a great quote night.

1.  Let's begin with the anonymous quote.  This is from someone I was texting today.
Me:  Did you find your iPod?
Anonymous Texter:  Yes, in one of my purses.  It was on the bottom ... blended in.  Couldn't feel it... my last time looking for it and then I was giving up.
Me:  Good ole Murphy.  Have a great trip.
AT:  You're not speaking my language.  Thanks...
Me:  Murphy's Law?
AT:  Yeah I've heard of it.  Never watched it?
Me:  Are you kidding me?  Do you know what Murphy's Law is?
AT:  Nope.
Me:  OK.  I'm sending you an email (with a link to the explanation of Murphy's Law).  And you just made my blog.  Anonymously of course.
Her reply to the email I sent:  "Next time tell me that everyone but me knows.  I just asked the group and got the look of... are you kidding me?"

2.  Next up, of course, is the ride to church.  It wouldn't be a successful car ride if we didn't have a few quotes.
AJ: "Have you ever been so sore that you walk like a penguin?"
Autumn:  "This is awkward............................  yes."

3.  In response to Autumn's shaving quote from earlier.
AJ:  "Did you really stop shaving half way through?"
Autumn:  "Um... kind of?" 

4.  Jeff was driving and using a toothpick at the same time.
AJ:  "Dad is multitasking!"
Autumn:  "Actually he is tritasking cause he's doing three things."
AJ:  "Multitasking covers all of it Autumn.  It's doing multiple things.  You don't say Doubletasking"
Autumn:  "That would be bitaxing."  

5.  And then the finale.
AJ:  "This water bottle is warped."
Alex:  "Did it travel through time?"
AJ:  "What?"
Alex:  "You know like Star Trek?"
Me:  "Like, 'Beam me up Scotty?'"
AJ:  "Mom, that's not Star Trek.
Me and Jeff and Alex:  "What?  Yes it is."
AJ:  "'Beam me up Scotty' is NOT Star Trek guys!"
Me:  "Ok then what is it?"
AJ:  "That's Spaceballs."
If you've seen the movie Spaceballs, you'll get that.  If not, well I don't know what to tell ya.  By the way, in Spaceballs it's "Beam me down Snotty."

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