Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Not too young to make the blog.

Today we have three year old quotes and then a bonus from the hospital technician.

First up is Nolan.  He wanted a cookie and asked Autumn to get him one.  She told him to ask his mommy.  After a few minutes of trying to get mommy's attention, Nolan looked at Autumn and said, "Mommy, can I have a cookie?" Autumn replied, "Nolan, I am not your mommy."  Nolan's response, "Can you pretend to be for a minute?"

Next is Braydon.  We were returning to the car during our shopping trip and his mom wanted him to get in on my side.
Andrea:  "Stay by Ms. Fran."
Braydon:  "BYE MS. FRAN!"
ha ha.  He heard "Say 'Bye Ms. Fran.""

Today's last quote comes from guy serving as my dad's hospital tech.  Dad was having trouble getting himself situated in the bed so he was rocking back and forth.  The tech said, "You're like a overturned turtle."  LOL.  He was great.  Dad called him a hippie.  Oh Daddy!

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