Tuesday, October 4, 2011

School Day Quotes

So today we had our high school co op.  That means more quotes of course!

Last night Autumn was working on her paper to turn in for writing today.  It was on the "Shot Heard 'Round the World."
Autumn:  "I'm not gonna give a spoiler but I killed someone.  I killed Paul Revere.  Just kidding.... I killed George Washington.  Ha ha ha."  WHAT?  I haven't read it yet but I'm a little frightened.

During chemistry I said, "What's in the back?" meaning, what's at the end of the equation.  But Megan and Gabriella were talking at the back table. So Autumn and Vicky said, "Two talking girls!"

After doing chemistry for a while, Autumn was sick of it.  This is the conversation that took place.
Autumn:  "Let's move to Africa."
Vicky:  "If you don't want education, move to Uruguay.  But watch out for the gangs."
Autumn:  "I'll teach the gangsters soccer.  Gangsters love soccer!"

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