Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fun Days

Ok so there are several here.  Hold on to your hats and sunglasses!  This is gonna be a wild ride.

Don't know if you are familiar with this but it is said that men's brains are like boxes (or waffles) and women's brains are like wires (or spaghetti).  However, my husband has the ability to have several boxes out at once.  My sons, do not.  So Alex was a little behind in the conversation.
Jeff:  Come on man, try to keep up!
Alex:  I'm sorry Mr. Soggy Boxes.

Me:  Autumn, can you see that?
Jeff:  No she can't see!  She's driving!

Autumn:  I'm unalohaing myself.
Us:  WHAT?
Autumn:  I'm unalohaing myself.  Aloha means family.  Family means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten.
Me:  That's OHANA!

Me:  Ok so let's think of different ways to say "they wanted."  (meaning the writers of the Constitution).  Start with "They."
Megan:  The delegates, the writers, the men...
Autumn:  The dudes, the criminals, the gangsters....
Me:  Wow ok.  How about "wanted."
Megan:  Desired, aspired...
Autumn:  were diggin' it....

Me:  What is the First Amendment of the Constitution?
Megan:  Thou shalt not kill!
Autumn:  No it's NOT!!!!  It's there is only ONE God.

I also have some from my Monday coop...
I have one student who did not understand why he had to wear his safety goggles when we were only using corn starch and water.  A few minutes later he jumped back when his partner splashed it toward his face.
Student:  WHOA I get it now!  It's not because there will be an explosion!  It's because HE is my partner!  Ok!

Same Student to his partner:  Be careful.  You could hurt yourself with those.
Partner:  They are kiddie scissors!
Student:  HEY kitties are dangerous.  They have claws.

I am on sabbatical from Facebook so I might not have this totally correct but here is the gist of a conversation of two sisters who are in my chemistry class.
Sister 1 - I wonder why no one wanted to go up to the board in chem class?
Sister 2 - I don't know.  I would have gone up but I wasn't really wearing a board writing outfit today.

Have a blessed day!

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