Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quotes of the week

I'm having a hard time coming up with new post titles.  Hmm.

So here is a thought, you ever notice how no one comes over unannounced when the house is clean?  Today the realtor came over to take pictures so our house is uber clean (that's a word.  I made it up myself.)

So here are the quotes you've been missing.

Tricia was here helping me clean up this week.
Tricia:  Strip.  Wait... don't strip.  What do you want me to do with this power strip.

Me:  Autumn, can you get my phone out of my room?
Autumn comes back with my power cord for my laptop.
Me:  What are you doing?
Autumn:  (Trying to act innocent but can't keep a straight face.)  What?  You didn't want your power cord?
Me:  I wanted my phone.
Autumn:  Ok ok I got in there and thought... wait, what did she ask for?  So I just grabbed the computer cord.

Our kids have the computer that is hooked up to the printer.  So when you want to print wirelessly, that computer has to be on and awake.  Jeff has been using this computer's monitor to fix another computer.  So there is a keyboard on the desk and another one in the keyboard drawer.  That's the set up.
Jeff:  AJ did you mean to print two copies of this paper?
AJ:  Well it didn't print the first time so I tried again.  Then I realized that Autumn had turned off her computer cause I couldn't wake it up so I printed it to the other printer.
Autumn:  AJ I did not turn off the computer.
AJ:  Yes you did.  I couldn't wake it up.  I hit the spacebar and nothing happened.
Looks down and realizes there are two keyboards
AJ:  Wait... it that keyboard even hooked up?

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