Monday, November 7, 2011

New Quotes

So I was going to wait until tomorrow to post these but, well, I couldn't wait to share some of them.

We went to Gainesville this weekend and went to the Gator game.  
Autumn:  Man, all those cheerleaders were in a sorority.  The guys were even in a farority.

Autumn:  If I go to school here all I will need to know is where is my dorm, my classes and the nearest Chick Fil A.

So were eating dinner last night and discussing AJ's upcoming cruise.  Autumn looked over and saw my plate was empty at the same time Jeff posed this question to AJ.
Jeff:  So where are you going on your cruise?
Autumn:  Hungry?
Alex:  Really Autumn?  Hungary?

It's not really that surprising since her geography skills are nonexistent.  Speaking of geography, I got an email from a friend the other night.  Her daughter also has geography issues.  So I was responding that our daughters shared this affliction I called ageographiosis, meaning without geography skills.
Autumn:  Yes I know, we lack geometry skills.
Alex:  You mean geography?
Autumn:  Whatever.
Alex:  Yeah I am much better at geography.
Autumn:  Oh yeah well then tell me where Tijuana Flats is?
Alex:  Really?
Autumn:  How about Tai Kwondo?  Where's that?

Autumn was a little snarky today so Jeff asked this question:
Jeff:  If I beat her is it child abuse?
Autumn:  YES...
Jeff:  What if I don't leave a mark?
Autumn:  It will leave a mark here (points to her heart)
She's a clever one....
Jeff's response:  So the question is am I willing to take that chance?

This was our exchange when she was finishing her paper tonight on the Constitution.
Autumn:  What should I write for this last paragraph?
Me:  Well you could say how innovative the document was.
Autumn:  What does innovative mean?
Me:  Look it up.
Autumn:  I don't want to.  Just tell me.  All I know is that it is a computer term.
Me:  (Giggling)
Autumn:  Fine.  (Grabs the computer)  Innovation... the act or process of being innovating.... ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!
Me:  (Laughing)
Autumn:  Can I just say that the Constitution is WAY less exciting than the Declaration of Independence?  The Declaration is like "BAM... IN YOUR FACE... WE'RE FREE... TAKE THAT!!!"  The Constitution is like, "Here are some laws.  Follow them."  It's so anti .... anticlimacticate... anticlim.... it's so downhill.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Quotes of the week

I'm having a hard time coming up with new post titles.  Hmm.

So here is a thought, you ever notice how no one comes over unannounced when the house is clean?  Today the realtor came over to take pictures so our house is uber clean (that's a word.  I made it up myself.)

So here are the quotes you've been missing.

Tricia was here helping me clean up this week.
Tricia:  Strip.  Wait... don't strip.  What do you want me to do with this power strip.

Me:  Autumn, can you get my phone out of my room?
Autumn comes back with my power cord for my laptop.
Me:  What are you doing?
Autumn:  (Trying to act innocent but can't keep a straight face.)  What?  You didn't want your power cord?
Me:  I wanted my phone.
Autumn:  Ok ok I got in there and thought... wait, what did she ask for?  So I just grabbed the computer cord.

Our kids have the computer that is hooked up to the printer.  So when you want to print wirelessly, that computer has to be on and awake.  Jeff has been using this computer's monitor to fix another computer.  So there is a keyboard on the desk and another one in the keyboard drawer.  That's the set up.
Jeff:  AJ did you mean to print two copies of this paper?
AJ:  Well it didn't print the first time so I tried again.  Then I realized that Autumn had turned off her computer cause I couldn't wake it up so I printed it to the other printer.
Autumn:  AJ I did not turn off the computer.
AJ:  Yes you did.  I couldn't wake it up.  I hit the spacebar and nothing happened.
Looks down and realizes there are two keyboards
AJ:  Wait... it that keyboard even hooked up?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fun Days

Ok so there are several here.  Hold on to your hats and sunglasses!  This is gonna be a wild ride.

Don't know if you are familiar with this but it is said that men's brains are like boxes (or waffles) and women's brains are like wires (or spaghetti).  However, my husband has the ability to have several boxes out at once.  My sons, do not.  So Alex was a little behind in the conversation.
Jeff:  Come on man, try to keep up!
Alex:  I'm sorry Mr. Soggy Boxes.

Me:  Autumn, can you see that?
Jeff:  No she can't see!  She's driving!

Autumn:  I'm unalohaing myself.
Us:  WHAT?
Autumn:  I'm unalohaing myself.  Aloha means family.  Family means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten.
Me:  That's OHANA!

Me:  Ok so let's think of different ways to say "they wanted."  (meaning the writers of the Constitution).  Start with "They."
Megan:  The delegates, the writers, the men...
Autumn:  The dudes, the criminals, the gangsters....
Me:  Wow ok.  How about "wanted."
Megan:  Desired, aspired...
Autumn:  were diggin' it....

Me:  What is the First Amendment of the Constitution?
Megan:  Thou shalt not kill!
Autumn:  No it's NOT!!!!  It's there is only ONE God.

I also have some from my Monday coop...
I have one student who did not understand why he had to wear his safety goggles when we were only using corn starch and water.  A few minutes later he jumped back when his partner splashed it toward his face.
Student:  WHOA I get it now!  It's not because there will be an explosion!  It's because HE is my partner!  Ok!

Same Student to his partner:  Be careful.  You could hurt yourself with those.
Partner:  They are kiddie scissors!
Student:  HEY kitties are dangerous.  They have claws.

I am on sabbatical from Facebook so I might not have this totally correct but here is the gist of a conversation of two sisters who are in my chemistry class.
Sister 1 - I wonder why no one wanted to go up to the board in chem class?
Sister 2 - I don't know.  I would have gone up but I wasn't really wearing a board writing outfit today.

Have a blessed day!